I don't know what it is about watching an artist in progress but I am entirely enthralled by videos that show just that. It's like those time-lapse videos of flowers opening up or stars tracking across the sky. Perhaps it's the confidence that is portrayed by a seasoned artist and nature alike that is appealing. Both doing their thing, certain that in the end, everything will be just where it is supposed to be--flaws, failures, and all.
[vimeo 15076572 w=400 h=225]
Wall painting by Supakitch and Koralie at the VÄRLDSKULTUR MUSEET GÖTEBORG / SWEDEN
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JNz8QzFWJ4&w=640&h=390]
Rick & Brenda Beerhorst create in public at UICA live coverage event 2011