Another day, another temp in the triple-digits. Ugh. This heat is getting REAL old.
At dusk on the evening of the Harvest Moon a couple of days ago, my hubby and I went for a walk. Not only did we stop to stare in awe at the huge, creamy-ecru moon that hung in the sky over undeveloped Elephant Hill (the last of the undeveloped land in our neighborhood, which will stay that way because thankfully the developer sold it to the city and the city has now turned it into a park), we were also blessed to see a Great Horned Owl, who flew right over us and landed at the top of a palm tree. Because of the tree's location on the side of the hill, the owl was just slightly above eye level from us and no more than 25 feet away. It hooted here and there, we watched it turn its head from time to time, and then after about five minutes, it took off, silently soaring down the other side of our hill and out of our sight.
This month's header is in honor of that experience. This pattern is called Scallop, though I've also seen it referred to as Bird's Wing.
Harvest Moon, Autumn, Great Horned if only the temperature would drop so it would REALLY feel like fall.