Ahhh....this piece. This was a tough place to get to. Lots of starts and stops, jumping off cliffs, and slogging through uncertainty. Lots of variations on process. But I kept showing up. Every day. Every day, I stepped into the studio. Every day, I picked up my tools. Every day, I committed to riding the wave of momentum.
And every day I listened to my heart. As I made my way through pieces, I could hear whispers of stories coming from them. Some stories felt fresh and new. Others, old and vaguely familiar.
These stories wanted to be told. I wanted to tell these stories.
Cellular Stories is a body of work honoring my voice. It is the uncovering of ancient knowings within myself. It is the recognition of my ancestors’ truths, the narratives of which make up the blood and tears within me.
I rarely title my work. I like the viewer to interpret their reactions without influence. However, during my Open House, I'll be giving a talk about some of these stories and how I used process to get to them.
Hope you can join me!